[REVIEW FILM] Deadtectives: A thrilling, fun ride

Director Tony West created the near-impossible things with his Deadtectives, creating a perfect horror comedy, Movies123 that balances fear, laughter. and touched the hearts of the audience. There, without a beat that doesn't work with a combination of hilarity, these spooky things are rare.

Movie content Death joke

A group of "gamers" is registered to participate in the reality television series and must deal with the supernatural phenomena surrounding us. But the increasingly boring, poor tactics make the quality of its content increasingly worse.

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And finally, the team decided to make an episode to "resound forever" and they headed to the famous haunted mansion in Mexico. And then the story becomes more interesting than ever, when they are stuck here and face the real deal with a lot of spooky phenomena in the haunted house. The group then gradually discovers the mysteries here, but the rumors in the haunted house turn out to be more true than ever.

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by not being able to find a way out, they must work out to confront a hidden demonic forces here who want to harm the group. The whole situation of the crew is in a thousand weight situation, and the show is about to collapse. Unarmed in the face of true death, what would they do?

Movie trailer of Death joke

Journey to fight the "real" devil of the "phony" expert group will certainly be filled with unforgettable horror and humor with many "half-crying" jokes.

At the beginning of the movie, everything looked broken: Everyone looked tired of being deceived by innocent victims, the program network was ready to cancel after the bad ratings seasons as the show's quality increased. bad. Network executives give them one last chance, handing them over to a new, fabulous and shiny new producer (Martha Higareda).

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The group of players was then sent to a place that was much scarier than what they were used to facing. After some light racist gossip, they come to an old Mexican house that is surrounded by a trinity of supernatural resources: the Mayan curse, the revolutionary war and a murder in a family.

The best elements of Deathly Fun are the use of vibrant colors and realistic effects and satisfying viewing. Although it is a film with many bullshit horror elements, there are effects that audiences never feel like a bullshit comedy. Make-up for moments that capture the emotions of the viewer, like a step into another world, realistic effects that will make the movie hold on over time the same way Frightener does.

The effects also extend to voice distortion according to the different pitches of ghosts and eventually ghost lenses used to see spirits. In addition, the design of the ghost hunting tools and the way they move into the Ghostbuster kingdom is beautiful.

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At first, DeadTectives is a simple make-up like a ghost hunting reality show, Deadtectives is a horror comedy with its own substance and imprint. Unlike a similarly structured film, this film combines great action and humor combined very smoothly.

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